The other day we all hantam Fish Valley half-day. Syok woooo....all the gang was there including Man Toman, Abuya Garcia, Dr. Speymaster and Sifoo himself.
Sifoo with his Magic Touch Dedak
We fished at the catch-release Monster pond in the back. Syiokkk wooo because there's lots and lots of fishies. Our radar just wouldn't sit still for more than 2 minutes.
The pond is also open to lure-fishing, fly fishan and spey fishans, as demonstrated by our resident Dr. Speymaster.
Abuya pretending to be Speymaster
The real Speymasta Mannn
Speymaster got a nice bite...but after 2 minutes of fighting, the fish chomped off the fly. Might have been a monster Pacu.
Before : Zonker Fly
Enjoy the vids!!!
We got lots and lots of Telapia Merah and Bunga (sampai tak larat, dah malas dohhh)
And also some Fat Leekoh action
and a couple of Taiwanese ahmoys
That last kopek...tapi tak naik, very the frust one
Ciao!!! See you there this weekend!!!